Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My Dog is as Smelly as Dirty Socks
By Hanoch Piven
This is a story about a family from a child’s point of view and the child gives a description of each family member. The text is simple and there are only a couple of sentences on each page, however, there are some very great comparisons within the text. One example of a comparison made is, “My Daddy is as jumpy as a spring.”This would be a great book to use when making having a discussion on making comparisons.
What drew me to this book were the illustrations. They were not drawn like many children’s books. Instead of there were pictures of actual objects. For example for the text, “My Daddy is as jumpy as spring” there was a picture of a spring. For pictures of family members the pictures consist of objects for facial features. I thought that this technique was very interesting and it is good for children to see different kinds of illustrations than the ones they are used to seeing. By seeing different kinds of illustrations children might be inspired to think out of the box. This might open their idea of what art is and encourage them to take risks with their artwork. The reason I picked this book is because I want children to expand what they believe art to be.

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